The Ministry of Youth and Sports (MOYS) are embarking on a radical but hopefully effective approach to help maintain the marginally deteriorating state of the various stadia in Ghana.
The Accra and Kumasi sports stadium which were recently renovated as well along with the newly built Tamale and Sekondi sports stadium that hosted the continent of Africa in the African cup of nations (AFCON) in 2008 are suffering with maintenance.
The green grass that ought to beautify the playing surface and make playing football a nice piece of art are rather going dry making the pitch appear more of straw field. The paints that cover the metal bars are peeling off and as a result is causing the bars to rust, the washroom are unpleasant to the eyes and so many more.
The National Sports Authority (NSA) and MOYS have come under ruthless attack for paying lip service to maintaining the national asset and focusing more on the commercial gains but Otto Plaha, the Public Relations Officer (PRO) for the ministry has denied those claims.
In an interview with boss fm 93.7, the revealed the plans from the MOYS to help keep the various stadia in shape and save the state from spending needlessly on restructuring when the least damage can be repaired.
Plaha said, “The MOYS is looking at the possibility of a private-public partnership to help manage and maintain the various stadia in Ghana and government has informed the NSA.”
“The ministry has informed the NSA to charge any supporter with damage to state property at the various stadia. This will enable the NSA and MOYS protect both properties and lives,” he added.