What appeared to be an impossibility on the promise made by World Keiren body – Derbywheel, has materialised into reality as the former has fulfilled its pledge by securing two tickets for two national team riders, Solomon Tagoe of Gutten Cycling Club and youth sensation, Farrakhan Shaaban Mohammed to participate in the induction of the Derbywheel project in the United Kingdom.
It would be recalled Solomon Tagoe emerged winner of the National Tour of Ghana held at Ablekuma, Olebu last year February 2023.
His victory precipitated the promise of Derbywheel to secure him the air ticket to the UK for the first time in his cycling journey.
In the Youth category, Farrakhan Shaaban Mohammed of River Park Eastern Region also emerged winner and fell into the promise zone of Derbywheel.
The World Keiren body has lived up to its word and already secured tickets for the two cyclists who are billed to depart the country this week.
Derbywheel has injected respite, honour and hope into the lungs of Ghanaian riders in this instance and this gesture goes a long way to show that its presence in the cycling sport cannot be overemphasized so far as the welfare of African Cyclists’ is concerned.
The induction of Derbywheel will be manifest in the city of Manchester on the 26th to 28th of January, 2024.
Head Coach and secretary General of the Ghana cycling Federation, Shaaban Mohammed, is slated to join the duo.
Credit: Dennis Kweku Moore
Cycling Journalist/PRO, Ghana Cycling Federation